Cultural Diversity and Unity

This page is intended to be a resource with a variety of information to help the DOM, the Pastor, and the Church be better prepared in responding with a solid Biblical worldview to the current issues facing North American Christians today.

PLANT MIDWEST, led by Director Darren Casper and Associate Director Jason Zellmer, is a part of the church-planting strategy and effort sponsored by the St. Louis Metro Baptist Association. Recently there was an engaging conversation on pastoring your people through racial reconciliation with Dhati Lewis, Curtis Gilbert, Darren Casper and Jason Zellmer. Go to that video here:


We’re divided along party lines, poverty lines and, especially, racial lines. That division has crept into our churches as well. But that’s not how God designed the Church. We are meant to be an undivided example in a divided world.

In this free, 5-week video series and discussion guide, pastors J.D. Greear and Dhati Lewis unpack what it looks like to move your church toward genuine gospel community across racial lines. You can download all of the Undivided video and discussion guide content below.

Voddie Baucham: “Our concept of race is not biblical , its artificial.”

Get the full sermon video here:

The PEACE Plan

Pastor Rick Warren and Saddleback Church in California provide some practical steps and training for helping the local church be a transformative force in their community for establishing unity with cultural diversity.

Why do we want to do this?

The Reconciliation Conversation exists to expose hate, to encourage love, to equip for reconciliation, and to emphasize unity, so that red and yellow and black and brown and white can know our value together as one. 

We hope to challenge the current system and both senses of privilege as well as entitlement, while honoring every tribe and nation, with special attention to racial disunity in America. 

We will be interviewing artists and leaders and highlighting resources that help to cultivate for “on Earth as it is in Heaven.”  

Click here to watch our preview and pilot episode in which we introduce The Reconciliation Conversation. 

What are the desired outcomes?

The desired outcome of The Reconciliation Conversation is fourfold:

(1) people who weren’t learning from one another in the midst of this conversation to join the conversation

(2) local civil conversations to be held in communities where community leaders hope for change

(3) Community Together Groups to be formed out of those civil conversations that cultivate over the next 7 to 10 years for everyday loving relationships, local systemic change, and cultural transformation

(4) people from all backgrounds sharing a meal together, sharing their stories together, and becoming a renewed, re-imagined story together